Saturday, March 28, 2015

Our Philosophy

At Creative Kids Center, our unique approach to early childhood education includes a *Reggio-inspired multi age classroom where children are respected and recognized as capable, competent and creative individuals. Nurturing the whole child is of utmost importance as we embrace both contemporary and traditional approaches to learning.

Creative Kids passionately strives to grow lifelong learners. In our responsive learning environment, activities are personalized according to the individual needs and unique strengths of each child.  Choices are encouraged. Learning is directed by child interest. Children are invited to explore and engage while utilizing all of their senses. Offering a flexible transition process tailored to the needs of the individual child allows us to follow the child’s pace. Our highly qualified staff collaborates and works together as a team in order to facilitate, support and encourage children during their formative years.

Additionally, we pride ourselves on offering a parent-friendly, affordable, and flexible program in a safe, comfortable environment. We genuinely care about our relationship with your child, your family and each other. 

Please call us today to schedule a visit. 

*Reggio is a philosophical approach rather than a standard curriculum.*

Friday, March 27, 2015

Newsletter - March 23-27, 2015

Welcome Spring!!! 

Spring was our theme for the week. We welcomed this beautiful season of re-birth and renewal with many fun spring time activities! Our spring reading list included How Do You Know It's Spring? (Allan Fowler), The Happy Day (Ruth Krauss), The Wind Blew (Pat Hutchins), and It's Spring (Samantha Berger & Pamela Chanko). We sure enjoy reading books more and more every day!!!

We diligently worked on our spring art projects. We sponge painted with purple and white for our April door decoration, made V is for Violet Vase pictures, continued painting tree branches and gluing pom-poms on them as well as created spring flower pictures.

Circle time was spent reviewing the calendar and weather, counting our friends, discussing the new spring season, explaining what happens in the spring for our weekly language experience chart, and conducting a windy experiment. Using a small fan, we predicted which items would or wouldn't “blow in the wind.”

Wednesday Class

Thursday Class

Additional activities this week included dinosaur play, kitchen center, sand table, science center (wind table), block center, table top (puzzles, writing practice, green play-dough and green gak).

Well, as usual, March has come in like the lion that it is and continues to stay that way.

Special News

We will have pajama day on Wednesday, April 1st. Remember to wear your favorite pajamas to school!


Next week is a 3-day week. Spring break begins Thursday, April 2nd. We return to school on Monday, April 13th (make-up snow day).

Have a “Springy” Weekend!!!

Sheri, Joyce, Fabi & Bethany

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Letter of the Week - Vv

This week is brought to you by the letter Vv.

 What begins with the letter Vv?

Friday, March 20, 2015

Newsletter - March 16-20, 2015

Green was our theme during this third week of March.

We painted shamrocks at the easel with green and white paint! We also began painting twigs all different colors. Using our imagination, we created fabulous objects with green play-dough, shamrock cookie cutters and lots of green “loose parts” such as pipe cleaners, gems, beads, and craft sticks. So much green fun!

Additional activities this week included the sand table, kitchen center, block center and table top. During story time, we read some great books such as I am a Big Dinosaur (Francois Crozat), Clever Tom and the Leprechaun (Linda Shute), and as requested by Thomas, Two Little Trains (Margaret Wise Brown). On St. Patrick's Day, we read Green Eggs and Ham (Dr. Seuss) and had a fun green eggs and ham snack. It wasn't really green eggs and ham but rather a white chocolate wafer with a green M&M on top of a square pretzel. YUMMY!

Think Spring! Happy Weekend!

Sheri, Joyce, Fabi & Bethany